Thursday, October 8, 2009

Panasonic TC-P50S1 First plasma - highly impressed

I've been using the S1 for almost a month now and absolutely love it. It has a beautiful, realistic picture that is perfect for video gaming and Blurays. It may not have quite the 'pop' of an LCD, but I much prefer the look of a plasma with it's improved accuracy and uniform picture. I'm coming from a 34" Sony XBR970 - which itself is a very accurate set - but this Panasonic has made me a convert. It's plasma from here on out (or as long as they keep making them I suppose).

Of course one of my concerns before purchasing this set was burn in. I do a large amount of gaming and letterboxed movie watching, and I didn't want to have to be constantly worrying about damaging my set. Well, I've been gaming on this thing since day 1 - many of which have static HUDs - and I have yet to see even the mere hint of image retention. Same goes for letterboxes, they leave absolutely no lingering image. I play 360 and PS3 on the Game picture setting and movies on Cinema - both of which have their contrast set around 80.

Regardless, I have been running break-in images while I'm not using the set. I'd say it's getting on average about 15 hours of use a day for the past few weeks. Not necessarily because I'm worried about image retention any more, but more as a stress test - because I figure if anything is going to break down it'll be in the beginning. I'd also like it broke in for proper calibration as well.

The blacks are very black - but not pure black. There's a bit of brightness still there, but it's more than acceptable. In my opinion still better than any LCD I've seen, and even more important more uniform.

The remote is pretty awful, so maybe plan on replacing that with a Harmony or something.

SD signals are what they are - SD. They tend to look a little worse on this plasma than they did before on the Sony, but I think a large part of that is just because of the bigger screen. Flaws and static are more readily apparent at 50".

I'm no videophile, so personally I'm not seeing any sort of green push. Sometimes I *think* I see it, but I can't totally convince myself it's not just the source - because 99% of the time the picture looks great. I'm still looking to get it professionally calibrated down the road though, so I'll be curious to see what difference that makes.

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